Additive Fvg

To train human resources in Friuli Venezia Giulia who are highly specialised in additive technologies faster than in other European regions and to make sure that manufacturing companies throughout the territory can easily adopt these technologies to increase their international competitiveness is Additive FVG’s mission.

“Additive FVG” is a group of local businesses led by the Friuli Innovazione research and technology transfer centre in collaboration with the FVG Comet Metalmeccanica Cluster, which includes Lima Corporate, Danieli Research Centre, Brovedani Group, LAMA advanced mechatronics laboratory of the Universities of FVG and Malignani Its.

Additive technologies are already considered competitive tools for manufacturing companies in several sectors and they are set to rapidly spread. For this reason, it will be fundamental to accelerate the development of new engineering and professional skills in Friuli Venezia Giulia by enhancing the training offer and developing specific programs based on the current and future needs of companies and applied research.

An initial step in this direction was the Additive FVG OPEN DAYS, aimed at discovering additive technologies, understanding their potential, when to apply them and anticipating the market. Three days were dedicated to Additive Manufacturing at the LAMA FVG laboratory from October to November 2017, which recorded a participation of over sixty interested parties.



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