
PatLib is a name that identifies a network of patent information centres throughout Europe. The network has been created with the support of the European Patent Office to raise awareness on the use and knowledge of patents among researchers, industrial operators and all those who can benefit from expanding their sources of technical-scientific information.

PatLib is a name that identifies a network of patent information centres throughout Europe.

The network has been created with the support of the European Patent Office to raise awareness on the use and knowledge of patents among researchers, industrial operators and all those who can benefit from expanding their sources of technical-scientific information. The analyses and researches carried out by the Studies Office (Ufficio Studi) and PatLib of Friuli Venezia Giulia (located in the Area Science Park, Manager: Dr. Liana Nardone) provide information on patents and publications and allow access to data that helps in defining future development strategies based on collected results. Thanks to an agreement between Friuli Innovazione and Area Science Park, the PatLib service is also available in Udine.

Among the services offered are:
Patent information.
Search for patents relating to a particular subject and patent applications that have already been filed around the world. This can help prior to filing a new application or searching for existing solutions to a problem, or to check the legal status of an application.
Documentary research.
Possibility of obtaining updates on recent progress, researcher activity status and technologies thanks to the many document databases that can be accessed for each technical/scientific sector, which gather details of articles, reports and conference proceedings published throughout the world and continuously updated.
Technological monitoring and business intelligence.
Processing of the information contained in the technical documentation, whether patent-related or not, can show how research operators and businesses are moving, which sectors get the most investments, what changes there are in the strategies of large groups that influence the markets, how the most active competitors are operating on international markets and which companies or researchers can be considered potential partners.

Service activated in agreement with Area Science Park of Trieste. 

At the moment the service has been suspended.

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