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The EEsAA kickoff at Friuli Innovazione to meet the winning Startups of the ban

  • 10 October 2018

Friuli Innovazione meets the partners in the Mentoring call for startups, developed within the EEsAA project "Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Alpe-Adria", funded under the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020 Program.
The ten startups selected by the call were presented to the certified incubators Friuli Innovazione and Build Gründerzentrum, within the kick-off organized by the Luigi Danieli Technology Transfer Park.

The call for proposals includes a Mentoring program for the development and support in the international market, between Italy and Austria, of startups operating in various sectors, including the Internet of Things, ICT and applications for Industry 4.0, Cultural Enterprises and Tourism.

A part of the meeting was dedicated to the definition of needs and strategies for the entry of startups into their respective markets. The open comparison took place between the Austrian startups and the business incubator in Friuli and, conversely, the Italian startups discussed with the Austrian partner.

The EEsAA project aims to connect entrepreneurial hubs and local start-ups in a cross-border Cluster, where technology parks, universities, and incubators jointly promote the Alpe Adria business ecosystem as a destination for the best innovative companies in the region visible globally.
Not only that, the Alpe Adria project wants to design and implement a package of high-level services for the start-up and growth of innovative SMEs / start-ups; develop an educational program on entrepreneurship in the project area and subvert current market trends.


To discover the EEsAA Program

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