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  • 18 december 2018 - 19 december 2018
  • Friuli Innovazione, via J. Linussio 51 - Udine

It takes only two days to give life to an idea or realize a project. On December 18th and 19th Friuli Innovazione will host the free workshop "Fast Prototyping" workshop. From the idea to the prototype in less than two days".

Udine will become the home where entrepreneurs, startuppers, professionals, students and innovation enthusiasts of all ages and with the most diverse experiences, coming from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Carinthia, will meet to learn to develop their idea or project in time very short thanks to the Fast Prototyping techniques. Thanks to networking activities, participants will also have the opportunity to promote their idea, find new members or meet potential lenders: the goal of Friuli Innovation is, once again, that of enhancing an enlarged territory, fostering synergies and the birth of new teams and startups, potentially international.

The workshop will be attended by the Slovenian experts from PiNA, active in over 30 countries worldwide, specialized in non-formal learning methods to guide diverse teams in defining concrete objectives and results. They will accompany the participants to understand how it is possible to realize any project through the Design Thinking approach and the Fast Prototyping techniques.

The event is completely free (upon registration) as a CAB (Crossborder Acceleration Bridge) initiative, an innovative cross-border acceleration project funded by the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Cooperation Program, which works with a cross-border approach to define a program of acceleration that makes companies more competitive on international markets.

Places are limited. To register, simply go to Eventbrite and search for "FAST PROTOTYPING". To complete the registration, an application form is required.


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