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ATLAS workshop with PromoTurismoFVG

  • 11 december 2018
  • via Jacopo Linussio, 51, 33100 Udine UD

Last workshop organized as part of the Interreg Italy-Croatia program "ATLAS - Adriatic Cultural Tourism Laboratories".

On this occasion we will host Bruno Bertero, marketing director of PromoTurismo FVG, to learn about the strategy of PromoTurismo and DMO PromoTurismo FVG. The participants, divided into groups, will develop an idea or a tourism product to be proposed to the body and will be implemented in practice.
The workshop is aimed at direct regional tourism operators and indirect operators, such as storytellers, creative people, marketing, communication and digital operators.

For registration, send an email to with the subject "Registration ATLAS workshop" specifying the name and the sector in which it operates.
Places with limited number.

The workshop will take place from 9.00 to 12.00.

Do you have any question? Write us!