The project "ICT and Hi-Tech: from current technologies to those of the future", funded under art. 21 paragraph 1 letter a) of L.R. 26/05, stems from the desire of Friuli Innovazione to continue to give impetus to a sector of strategic importance such as that of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in which it has already developed numerous projects and initiatives for research and technology transfer.
The project aims to acquire new knowledge, to be used to improve products and services in a particularly promising Information & Communication Technology (ICT) sector such as virtual simulation.
It also aims at the transfer of knowledge and ICT technologies, for which Friuli Innovazione stands as an element of aggregation and coordination. In this context, the aim is to foster the adoption and accessibility of these technologies - which affect the competitiveness of companies - by SMEs, the promotion of a culture of change and assimilation of ICT.


  • Friuli Innovazione
  • VI-Grade Srl
  • Università degli Studi di Udine
  • DataMind srl
  • Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia



As part of the first part of the project, related to applied research in the field of virtual prototyping and testing technologies, the 3 researchers identified in the first year of the project, proceeded to the implementation of existing simulation software and the creation of new software. With the innovative models and algorithms developed, they have developed new simulation systems in real time and interfacing simulators with data acquisition systems.
Thanks to this activity, the researchers have verified the functioning of all the components in the simulation, that is, they have validated the behavior of the complete system, which takes into account the environmental behaviors, the human / machine interface, the relationships with the other vehicles and in general with the external environment.
The second part of the project, dedicated to technology transfer, allowed, after identifying some important companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia, to evaluate the potential of collaborative technological tools and the possibility of including these technologies in the company. The initiative was called Coll @ borative strategies and value creation and, after identifying some important companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia, allowed to interview 10 companies and organizations, 9 of which merged into the drafting of a publication the final.
Contact, comparison and auditing activities were also carried out with companies or research groups in the ICT sector to support the growth and technological development of innovative ideas respectively. These activities involved 33 research groups, individuals and companies in the ICT field, for which in 13 cases a personalized intervention plan was defined, which in 6 cases led to the implementation of concrete actions.

Lastly, great importance was given to the dissemination of information technology through an innovative format proposed in 5 events.
In the context of the project section dedicated to technology transfer, it is also worth mentioning the great contribution made to the launch of the Digital Technologies District.

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