
Enterprise Academy FVG intends to promote the dissemination of the entrepreneurial culture and employability of young people in Friuli Venezia Giulia and is aimed in particular at students between 16 and 20 years of age, who attend classes III, IV and V of the higher education institutions of second degree and their teachers.

Thanks to an innovative didactic path, which allows to experiment in real mode the operation of a company, the project aims to:

  • stimulate the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship of young people, while promoting a better learning of other transversal and interpersonal skills;
  • create innovative learning environments favoring the alternative use of school spaces in the afternoon time;
  • experimenting with the teachers, diversified and individualized educational proposals, enhancing the collaboration with the business world and bringing young people to the professions.


  • Friuli Innovazione, Centro di Ricerca e di Trasferimento Tecnologico
  • Isis Arturo Malignani di Udine (capofila della rete di scuole)
  • Istituto Tecnico Antonio Zanon di Udine
  • ITSE Cecilia Deganutti di Udine
  • Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono di Cividale (Liceo Scientifico)
  • Liceo Caterina Percoto di Udine

Other partners

  • Junior Achievement Italia
  • Confindustria Udine – Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori


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